
~Welcome to my blog~
This blog will be a reflection on the exciting events and activities that occur in Miss Miller's 2nd grade class!!!
Please feel free to post comments! ENJOY!!!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Readers theatre

Today we experimented with Readers Theatre. This was something new for me but I wanted to do something fun and educational since grades are already posted!!! My class was split into two groups that each performed a skit. One group did a fable called "the ant and the grasshopper," the other group did "Click, Clack Moo, Cows that type." the students practiced throughout the week and performed in front of the entire 2nd grade. They did an awesome job. I will use this strategy again next year because the students really enjoyed it!!!


  1. That sounds like a really good idea Shannon! Maybe next year you can do it once a quarter for a project grade! It's always good to give the students a chance to shine!!

  2. Reader's Theatre sounds very fun! I've never done this in my class before but I have seen a few teachers integrate it into their reading lessons. This is a fun way for students to really get involved with reading!

  3. I agree that students love the opportunity to perform. I have seen some of our 6th grade English classes really getting into a Greek play and I think that the reward of doing the other work was to put the play on. Everything doesn't have to always be about a grade or it could be a participation piece. Great stuff.
