
~Welcome to my blog~
This blog will be a reflection on the exciting events and activities that occur in Miss Miller's 2nd grade class!!!
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Sunday, June 17, 2012

New Standards

We were informed the last week of school that next year we will be teaching Common Core Standards. These are like national standards that will be implemented around the United States. Students will not be tested on these standards until 2014, but the K-2 students now, will be those students tested then. So our district decided to go ahead an implement the new standards for K-2 starting the 2012-2013 school year. I had the opportunity to look at the new standards, they seem very overwhelming. The concept of the new standards is to teach the main topics entirely, instead of a little of everything. I agree with the concept, although it will be a big adjustment. We should be use to change, it seems our standards, curriculum, etc... is always changing. At least we will be moving toward something that will benefit our students.


  1. It must have been overwhelming to hear about these in the last week of school. The end of school is a good time for reflection but often we are burnt out and not ready to think about the next year yet. I haven't gotten a peak at the common core yet and I know that they haven't released the History Standards but I am sure I will be in a similar frame of mind...overwhelmed.

  2. We will survive! We were able to make it through consolidation and we can survive CCS! They are a bit overwhelming though. It seems the stuff that we use to focus on the most are not as important in these standards! Good luck next year! I know you'll do great!

  3. I can't believe they told you this at the end of the school year!! Well, hopefully they will provide you all with training to make the adjustment smoother!
